Asubsonicfilterisacomponentonyoursubwooferthatreducestheintensityofnoteswhichcomethroughatlowerfrequencies.,Asubsonicfilterisacomponentonyoursubwooferthatreducestheintensityofnoteswhichcomethroughatlowerfrequencies.Itdecreasestheamplitude ...,The...。參考影片的文章的如下:


What Is a Subsonic Filter

A subsonic filter is a component on your subwoofer that reduces the intensity of notes which come through at lower frequencies.

What Is a Subsonic Filter

A subsonic filter is a component on your subwoofer that reduces the intensity of notes which come through at lower frequencies. It decreases the amplitude ...

Are subsonic filters important?

The only reasons to use a subsonic filter is to correct the woofers from rumbling/pumping or if you're experiencing acoustic feedback.


The Subsonic Filter is a filter that cuts out frequencies below 27Hz that we cannot hear and take away the headroom of the amplifier, cause distortion and ...

How to Set Your Subsonic Filter for Ported and Sealed Subwoofers

In this comprehensive guide, we'll unravel the process of subsonic filter setup for both sealed and ported subwoofer enclosures.

Subsonic Filters

Epicbass Digital Bass Processor – Compact 2-Channel Preamp Input/Output Bass Booster and Restorer with Anti-Corrosive PCB, Subsonic Filter, and Remote Control.

Do I really need a subsonic filter?

Yes, you definitely want to run a subsonic filter when using a ported box. The port acts as part of your subwoofers suspension and once you're ...

What does sub sonic filter do? : rvintageaudio

It's a high pass filter. It cuts out all sound below 15 Hz. The purpose is to cut out low rumble on records.

How to set your Subsonic filter - Amplifiers

A subsonic filter is basically a High Pass Filter for very low frequencies, generally 45hz or lower. That is, whatever you set it at; only ...


Asubsonicfilterisacomponentonyoursubwooferthatreducestheintensityofnoteswhichcomethroughatlowerfrequencies.,Asubsonicfilterisacomponentonyoursubwooferthatreducestheintensityofnoteswhichcomethroughatlowerfrequencies.Itdecreasestheamplitude ...,Theonlyreasonstouseasubsonicfilteristocorrectthewoofersfromrumbling/pumpingorifyou'reexperiencingacousticfeedback.,TheSubsonicFilterisafilterthatcutsoutf...